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March 21st in Sebastopol: Improv Workshop!

Workshops & Retreats

Body Wisdom lessons, whether hands-on or in a group class, are a great way to support learning of almost any kind: sports of course, and any kind of learning that requires creativity, body awareness or self-knowing—think Improv, Creative Writing, Communication Skills…. Clowning, Drawing, Writing, Meditation.

Last summer, Carie taught at two 6-day kayak retreats: group class first thing in the morning, and a one-on-one lesson on the massage table for each participant. It was fantastic! The key was to really tailor the movement classes to the Lead Kayak Teacher’s goals. And it worked!

What participants had to say:

QUESTION 1: What was your general impression of the movement lessons? How did they support learning in the kayak?

  • ANSWER: 3 things: grounding, calming, connecting. Grounding in that they brought the current moment into focus and awareness, connection and appreciation for the body’s current state (and of course how to use the body in the days paddling). I found it accepting, affirming and gratitude filled. Hmmm, Can't think of improvements at the moment.

  • A: Found the movement lessons beneficial. I think I was using a kind of brute force approach earlier, but the movement lessons showed stuff can be achieved with finesse while kayaking. The 60 mins group session was nice, but maybe go 90 minutes?

  • A: Thanks for all your attention during the retreat. I did not realize how much the lessons tied into kayaking until we focus on the pelvis. Strange to say, I found dragging my heel(s) on the ground while supine seemed to be the key to awareness of what my pelvis was doing and allowed me to continue to rotate it while weighting on one side or the other.

  • A: Helps to loosen up before stuffing ourselves into a kayak. Adds awareness of the muscles we will be using.

  • A: The movement lessons were a nice compliment to Paulo's kayaking technique lessons.  There's a lot of fairly subtle movement that he's helping us to learn to use.  It can be overwhelming to try and take it all in and apply it to our body motions.  The separate body movement lessons provided an opportunity to focus on specific parts of the sequence as well as help us to understand the big picture including the concept of making small movements. 

  • A: I found the movement lessons to be helpful. For one, it helped understand the movements in relation to kayaking It also brought awareness to being in balance and a real awareness to how I was moving and trying to find ways to feel relaxed.  I need to work on that.  

Q 2. What was your experience of the hands-on lesson?

  • ANSWER: The greatest learning from the hands on was, still is: let go!! That huge ah ha moment of realization of places tensed! I no longer have to do that. I can take the time to check in, locate the tension (or “holding”) and let it go! The other big one was (is!) that pre-next-step process of letting the pelvis ever so slightly lead the way for the rest of the leg. It connects to all the pause, awareness, presence in the moment.

  • A: Was very relaxing, unlocked a fair bit of muscle tension. One could get addicted !!

  • A: The hands on session was the high point of Body Wisdom in that it allowed a new level of relaxation and a feeling of new possibilities for flexibility for me. 

  • A: Your hands on was wonderful.  It was so relaxing and appreciated.

Q 3. As you returned home and got back into your usual routines, how did (did?) the Body Wisdom settle in?

  • ANSWER: Hahahahahaha, for the rest of my life I am going to hear the words “get skeletal”!! They pop into the head with great regularity!

  • A: Difficult but I try to keep in mind the lessons as I go about normal daily routine.. but it kicks in slowly

  • A: Getting back out on the water was the way I could feel the lessons again.

  • A: Changed sleeping positions. I need to work on flexibility a lot.

  • A: I often reflect on the lessons in other applications of life’s movements  so it did settle in and adds value.

  • A: I think the  body wisdom/awareness has helped to cement Paulo's instruction in my brain and my body, so that I won't forget his teachings, ie, I will be able to replicate the practice and techniques on the water.