Interested in a Hands-On Lesson?

  • Contact me if you’d like an hour’s hands-on session.

  • I’ll be traveling in the SE this spring and summer—let me know if you want to connect!

  • Here’s a video of what a hands-on lesson might look like:

It’s called a ‘hands-on lesson’ because the time together is about you learning what works more easily, more elegantly, for you. In a sense I’m your teacher, but really it is more that I’m awakening your own inner teacher—calling to your body wisdom. In this way, the experience is simultaneously gentle and powerful.

Feldenkrais®️ training involves 800 hours of class over 4 years. Combining movement lessons with hands-on lessons is amazing.

At first, maybe it was just the quality of the touch + my good intentions, but people seemed to want to come back for more!

Bit by bit, the dialog between the client and me became more clear and less ambitious. Ambition isn’t necessary when the intention is finding ease and pleasure in movement.

It is interesting how the slower and gentler I go, the more our lesson is about moving together rather me doing something to you. And the more we dance together, sometimes me leading and sometimes you leading, almost indistinguishable, the deeper and more desirable the changes seem to be.